Saturday, February 02, 2008

A very long update.

It's been awhile since the last update. Lots of memories to share. Enjoy.

On his cousins horse

Flying a kite in Oregon

At a bubble farm with his cousin

Picking berries in front of Grandma's beach house

In a hay tunnel


Life is not all laughs and giggles. Education is a big part of his upbringing.

Be it visiting a Science Museum

or saving the world with his dad

Nic rises to the challenge. We teach him that team work gets the job done

and that exercise is good for the mind, body and soul.

Nic's taken some classes that have helped him become the person he is today.
Here,he's making use of the Acting class he took last summer.

and the swimming class he took last fall

He's also learned that a person has to be comfortable being by themselves.

and he's content with entertaining himself. This was taken during a really LONG drive to Arizona.

He also knows the importance of good dental hygiene (his first ever dental appt.)

I have to insert an obligatory dad teaching. John is already teaching Nic to love speed


Holidays are especially fun for us. Halloween is now our favorite. Nic was Optimus Prime (like who DIDN'T know that), check out the last entry.

Nic went on a hay ride with some cousins

and also rode the train of, "Sleepy Hollow Legends" with some other cousins.

Christmas is Nic's favorite holiday. He got a Wii from his Grandma

And everything Tranformer related

Nic enjoyed all the Holiday parties too

If I had to pick ONE memory to remember for last year, it would have to be this one. I'm glad I caught the moment on (digital) tape:

Yes, Nic leads an amazing life. We're just happy he lets us along for the ride.

1 comment:

Data Babble said...

Wow, you are very blessed!