Monday, October 16, 2006

Viewer discretion advised.

This may be a hard read for non-parents, but I don’t care. Right now I’m speaking to anybody and everybody who has been through the same experience. Today, our son went potty in the POTTY! We’ve been practicing for a while now and before today it’s always been sort of a mess. Nic is at the point where he tells me - while he’s going. By the time we get to the potty it’s usually a scene of damage control. Sometimes (depending on what he ate), I wondered if it was worth the effort. Not today! My son looked at me and said, “Mommy, Poo-Poo”. We ran to the bathroom, took off his pull-ups and he went! We both yelled and yippie’d; we gave each other high-fives and we did a happy dance. After, he put a sticker on his poo-poo board and I gave him a Wiggles band-aide for a reward. I have never been so happy to see a brown thing floating in the toilet. I thought my son was a genius. To my non-parent friends (and family): Yes, I know. Life has changed a bit since my 60 hour work weeks and happy hour hang-outs. My experience today however was better than any bonus I ever saw from corporate life.
Thought the shirt was appropriate.

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