The older Nic gets the harder it is to control what he eats. Easy enough when we’re at home, but pre-school, play dates and parties have put a thorn on my, “no junk food” rule. Don’t get me wrong, the occasional treat is fine, but it shouldn’t be the main dish. With the exception of jumping out from behind a bush and grabbing the offending food out of my sons hand, I ask this question: how do you stop a 2 year old from having JUST sweets at a party? Somehow people associate sweets with happiness, and they mean well (I guess). They like to see Nic’s face light up when they shove junk into his mouth or a treat into his hand. Don’t people know that sweets are like crack to kids. They’ll do anything for the next mouth full, sit on your lap, give you a hug, give you a kiss… sit up, bark, roll over. It’s bad enough trying to control the culprits with the polite, “STOP FEEDING MY SON CRAP!”, but now Nic knows what this stuff is and he asks for it, or worst, he’ll help himself to it. It seems I may be losing the battle… but hear me now, I’m GOING to win the war.
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